Tip for Getting Your RV Out of Storage

Tip for Getting Your RV Out of Storage

The most important thing to do is “NOT TO WAIT TILL THE LAST MINUTE”. Give yourself time to check out all your systems. Nothing worse than having a broken RV and you’re scheduled to leave on your trip the next day. This happens more than you could imagine. Speaking from firsthand knowledge! I try to give myself a couple of weeks at least to get ready. This will give you some time to make repairs, order parts or having the RV dealer fix your unit.

De-winterize your RV. Motorhomes may take a little more time than travel trailers due to washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerator with ice maker, water dispenser and water filtration systems.

Check your coach batteries for damage. In the case of wet cell battery; check fluid level. Will the batteries hold a charge? Motorhomes will have chassis batteries and coach batteries. Could have multiple batteries to check. Nothing worse than getting to your destination and changing out batteries because their dead.

Check condition of tires and brakes. Nothing worse than pulling out the driveway and discovering you have no Brakes!! Make sure there is no cracking or checking on the tire sidewalls. Tire blowouts can really damage your RV. Maintain proper air pressure.

Check your roof for any tears in the roof material and the sealant is in good condition. A wet RV can really ruin your day.

If you will use an RV dealership to de-winterize your RV, CALL EARLY. They get really busy in the spring. Be Proactive and not reactive.



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